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How to earn money part-2 The easiest way-PTC Click

Today we will discuss about money making with the easiest way.Which called PTC-Paid To Click.
Everyone can make money through this without having any knowledge about any type of professional qualification.

PTC site earn Money

PTC site is mainly based on give and take marketing policy.Advertiser advertise to the ptc site company and then ptc site owner published them into the site with small commission.such as 0.001$
0.01$ or 0.1$.As of their own business statistics or policy.

What need to earn money:

To earn money from PTC you need
1. a Smartphone/Tablet/Laptop. 
2.Internet Connection.(Wifi/Data Connection)
4.Know how to browse internet.

Why Patience is needed?:

Because earning money is not a easy have to fight enough to earn money in real life it is same on the online world. Make Income on PTC is a long process usually if you works alone without any referral commission then it takes 1 month to make 1$(It based on sites statistics).So you should patience enough to earn through it.

Now How can you earn:

After Successfully Sign up to the ptc site you want to earn you will visit this type of image.Where will be enough image with some content.It's called the AD you want to visit to visit this AD you will get revenue.You can YouTube it to how to visit ptc ads.

Referral Commission:

NEO BUX earn money

You will get this image when you give someone their referral link and they sign up your link on that site.It commission will be selected as ptc web owners will choose.such is the referral commission is 5% then if your referral earn 1$ you will get 0.20$ from their earning if he earns 2$ you will get your commission is 0.40$.


You can payout your money with 
  1. Paypal
  2. Skrill
  3. Payza
  4. Okpay
  5. Neteller

Aware of scams:

PTC site makes often scams they don't payout so you should aware of this.I will provide some legit paying site list soon.Stay updated with me and give me comment what you want.

How to earn money part-2 The easiest way-PTC Click Reviewed by Shahed Parvej on 1:27 AM Rating: 5

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